Friday, August 22, 2014

Green is yummy !!

This isn't strictly 'architecture'....instead I thought to kick off with some mouth watering energy saving tips just for everybody.

How can we save energy in the kitchen ? No cooking, raw food ? Nah.

1. Electric or Gas cook tops?

Cost wise electric are cheaper since they don't require a gas pipeline or cylinder. Just plug in and go.Also no danger of gas leaks,YIKES. But cooking food is slower since the element takes longer to heat up and cool down.

Energy wise, they are costly since they require electricity. What if there is a power outage ? Hungry :(
Natural gas is available to us in abundance. No chance of running out.Cooking is more efficient and faster. So if you can bear the initial cost of setting up, it's the best and cleanest way to go. 

2.Covering your food while cooking will heat it faster and save energy. How come ? Physics :)

3. Let your cooked  food cool down before putting it in fridge. Why ? Less cooling required by the fridge to bring it to a lower temperature.

4. Use Energy Star Rated appliances for your kitchen such as dishwashers and refrigerators.They not only reduce energy consumption but also reduce emission of harmful CFC's etc which is destroying the ozone layer.What are energy star rated products ?Check them out

5.Use full loads on dishwasher and let the dishes air-dry.

6.Vegetable garden - Free home grown organic fruits/vegetables !YEY !

7.Kitchen waste. That's a big issue. How to get rid in the most eco-friendly way ? Recycle of course.

Keep reading for more cool green tips :D

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